Get Schooled
Get schooled is a scholarship search site I stumbled across while browsing one of my favorite art sharing sites. The layout of the site is geared toward making the financial aid process a easier to grasp without the mumble jumble. What intrigued most about this site?
It doesn't come off as a scholarship search site. At first glance it looks like you're on a social media site because there's lots of content focused on fun events. Of course once you read the taglines attached to the content you'll understand that its not your typical fun events.
They encourage you to sign up for the site so you can keep track of your searches and search interests. This site is great for both high school and college students alike. High School students will benefit from reading the articles on making the most out of their school years along with tips on how to push through stressful situations.
College students will benefit from reading the articles on all things college -- including discussion topics -- as well as the pre-college information. Reading up on the pre-college (high school) articles can possibly answer any questions you had/have as well as assist you in mentoring other young people about the college preparation process.
Aside from the articles and discussion topics, there are fun learning games as well as informative videos from those that specialize in higher education. Namely those that have gone through the college application process that wish to share their knowledge with others. Would have been nice if I knew about this site sooner.
Get Schooled
Honorable Mention: Nickelodeon
It was mentioned earlier that I was introduced to Get Schooled through one of my favorite art sharing sites. Well, it wasn't really a direct introduction because the post was linked to a future scholarship opportunity hosted by Nickelodeon which will award a 25K USD scholarship.
Once the scholarship starts (it hasn't started yet) individuals between the ages of 17 and 24 will able to participate for the cash prize. For those between 13 and 16, they will receive creative tech items as prize to kick start the advancement of their budding creative talent.
It doesn't come off as a scholarship search site. At first glance it looks like you're on a social media site because there's lots of content focused on fun events. Of course once you read the taglines attached to the content you'll understand that its not your typical fun events.
They encourage you to sign up for the site so you can keep track of your searches and search interests. This site is great for both high school and college students alike. High School students will benefit from reading the articles on making the most out of their school years along with tips on how to push through stressful situations.
College students will benefit from reading the articles on all things college -- including discussion topics -- as well as the pre-college information. Reading up on the pre-college (high school) articles can possibly answer any questions you had/have as well as assist you in mentoring other young people about the college preparation process.
Aside from the articles and discussion topics, there are fun learning games as well as informative videos from those that specialize in higher education. Namely those that have gone through the college application process that wish to share their knowledge with others. Would have been nice if I knew about this site sooner.
Get Schooled
Honorable Mention: Nickelodeon
It was mentioned earlier that I was introduced to Get Schooled through one of my favorite art sharing sites. Well, it wasn't really a direct introduction because the post was linked to a future scholarship opportunity hosted by Nickelodeon which will award a 25K USD scholarship.
Once the scholarship starts (it hasn't started yet) individuals between the ages of 17 and 24 will able to participate for the cash prize. For those between 13 and 16, they will receive creative tech items as prize to kick start the advancement of their budding creative talent.