Classic Literature Contests and Scholarships

There are sites that pay tribute to literary greats of the likes of Charles Dickens, Ayn Rand, J D Salinger, Jane Austen along with countless others. Ayn Rand was the first I discovered a contest for.

Ayn Rand Contest
While browsing for additional scholarships in the writing category, Ayn Rand was stumbled upon. The scholarships revolving around this author pay tribute to her great literary works. After reading up on the contest I went in search of the book that was needed in order to write on the essay prompt.

First trip to the library produced the book but I only got the one. When I went back for another Ayn Rand book, the shelf was completely empty of any and all books written by her. Apparently the Ayn Rand scholarships are quite popular.

There are scholarships available for students from Grades 8 on up through college and each grade group has its own Ayn Rand book to reference; I'm going off of memory here. I didn't make it through the assigned reading for the essay prompt but I can offer up some advice: START EARLY. Don't think that a week or two time frame is going to be enough especially if you have other things on your plate.

Aside from getting access to the book, you have to read the book(s). You may think no big deal, but that's some heavy duty reading you'll be doing. To top it off, you will need to make notes from your reading to help make the writing part more organized; citing pages and quotes may help as well.

J D Salinger
This is a recent gem discovered on the CKSF site. The main requirement is to read the book Catcher in the Rye then check in on the designated dates to complete some challenges involving events that take place within the novel. The dates shown are for 2014 but I'm sure they'll host another challenge in 2015 around the same time.

In addition to this, Ursinus College hosts their very own J D Salinger scholarship that's opened to undergrad students. Its a creative writing scholarship and students interested in applying as well as attending the school, must have a portfolio of creative works available for viewing. More information can be found at:
  2. Click on Admissions tab in top navigation bar.
  3. Then click on Tuition & Aid
  4. In the side navigation to the left, click on Creative Writing Award
William Shakespeare
Another literary icon researched and studied to this day. The first scholarship is sponsored by an organization that introduces youths to the world that is Shakespeare. Heart of America Shakespeare Festival is a wonderful group that goes above and beyond the curtain call.

They host classes during the summer for young people to get a taste of Shakespeare. Despite focus being on youths, there are contests that cater to both youths and adults; each in their own competing category. Its a Poster and Sonnet Contest.

Participants in Grades 4 - 12 have to be residents of Kansas and Missouri in order to be eligible. Adult participants can be from anywhere in the US; so far, I can only see an entry form for adults in the sonnet category. Deadline for the current contest is March 9, 2015.

More information is located at K C Shakes dot org. They also offer opportunities for those looking to obtain internships and or apprenticeships.

There are other contests and scholarships that focus on the works of Shakespeare; however, a good bit are sponsored by colleges. Meaning you have to be enrolled at the school and take - or have taken - specific courses. So check with your school to see if they host any Shakespearean and or other classic literature scholarships.

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