Art & Design Ops
For those that ventured into the field of art and design as majors for school brace yourself for a shocker. There are loads of opportunities out there; however, they are very difficult to find especially if you live in an area that's not considered a melting pot for this industry.
Despite the nightmare scenario, there is still a shimmer of light at the end of the road. Those who major or are majoring in this field have the ability to work from where ever. Be it for themselves are for others.
That said, I do have some advice: don't wait to the final parts of your schooling to signup for internships. It would be ideal to start during your first or second semester of schooling. I'm pushing for second because by this time you should have a pretty good grasp on the industry.
Also, don't wait till you see a posting somewhere. If you come across a business or company that specializes in your field, give them call or shoot a professional email their way inquiring about internship opportunities. You will either be a part of a paid or unpaid internship; if unpaid take hold of the opportunity anyway because chances are it might not surface again.
Internships will be a start that will lead to a paid (if not already) position in the business/company. Don't worry too much about the commute because there are opportunities available via digital work environment.
Starting Points
In need of a starting point? Start with your favorite past time. Yeah, that was pretty vague.
Here's an example:
Have Questions?
Don't be afraid to ask questions. You'd be worse off if didn't say anything at all. Instructors are there to guide you in the right direction.
Not just instructors but your fellow schoolmates. While attending school some years ago, I ran into schoolmates that had lots of experience in the field that added to many a class discussion on various topics. There was even one that ran their own business on top of attending school to earn a degree as well as teaching classes at the school itself.
If your school hosts live exit portfolio shows for final year students, take time out to browse the exhibits. Ask questions, take notes and connect. Don't forget to get their business card if available; they tend to disappear rather quickly at these events.
Can't find opportunities? Create them. There are opportunities online, around town and possibly around your old stumping grounds. There is also freelance options where you work for yourself through your own personal site* or through a designated platform**.
*This can be created for free or for a low monthly price. Square Space, Square, Weebly and Wix are some places to start.
**There are online art communities where you can post and sell your creative pieces. Aside from art communities there are stock sites (graphic river, fotolia and vector stock), freelance sites (eLance, odesk and freelancer) and one off sites (fiverr and other fiverr-like sites) where you can offer your services to others and or create work for others to purchase.
Despite the nightmare scenario, there is still a shimmer of light at the end of the road. Those who major or are majoring in this field have the ability to work from where ever. Be it for themselves are for others.
That said, I do have some advice: don't wait to the final parts of your schooling to signup for internships. It would be ideal to start during your first or second semester of schooling. I'm pushing for second because by this time you should have a pretty good grasp on the industry.
Also, don't wait till you see a posting somewhere. If you come across a business or company that specializes in your field, give them call or shoot a professional email their way inquiring about internship opportunities. You will either be a part of a paid or unpaid internship; if unpaid take hold of the opportunity anyway because chances are it might not surface again.
Internships will be a start that will lead to a paid (if not already) position in the business/company. Don't worry too much about the commute because there are opportunities available via digital work environment.
Starting Points
In need of a starting point? Start with your favorite past time. Yeah, that was pretty vague.
Here's an example:
Some of my favorite past time activities include playing video games, reading graphic novels and traditional illustration. Based on this, I would begin my search in the electronic entertainment and visual arts sectors.The search doesn't have to be this broad but I used this to help get the gears turning for your search. I can whittle the search further by being as specific as highlighting key companies. Like for video games and visual arts I could explore companies such as Rock You, Bethesda, Rare, Microsoft, Square, Sony, Nintendo, Namco, Bioware, Dark Horse, Marvel, DC/Vertigo, go! comi, VIZ Media and so on.
Have Questions?
Don't be afraid to ask questions. You'd be worse off if didn't say anything at all. Instructors are there to guide you in the right direction.
Not just instructors but your fellow schoolmates. While attending school some years ago, I ran into schoolmates that had lots of experience in the field that added to many a class discussion on various topics. There was even one that ran their own business on top of attending school to earn a degree as well as teaching classes at the school itself.
If your school hosts live exit portfolio shows for final year students, take time out to browse the exhibits. Ask questions, take notes and connect. Don't forget to get their business card if available; they tend to disappear rather quickly at these events.
Can't find opportunities? Create them. There are opportunities online, around town and possibly around your old stumping grounds. There is also freelance options where you work for yourself through your own personal site* or through a designated platform**.
*This can be created for free or for a low monthly price. Square Space, Square, Weebly and Wix are some places to start.
**There are online art communities where you can post and sell your creative pieces. Aside from art communities there are stock sites (graphic river, fotolia and vector stock), freelance sites (eLance, odesk and freelancer) and one off sites (fiverr and other fiverr-like sites) where you can offer your services to others and or create work for others to purchase.