Course Hero Scholarships

This is the first I'm coming across this so bare with me. Some how I went from searching for a laptop stand to searching for something else; I can't recall the search myself. Any who, the latest search turned up some results for scholarships.

Be the Hero
Course Hero is a pretty interesting site that gives a new meaning to co-op. Based on a breeze-thru, the site specializes in assisting students with their course work. There are resources ranging from study guides by subject to specialty flash cards.

Don't need assistance but wish to assist others? Great because there are options for: uploading study material, helping others maneuver through courses along with tutoring. How could this possibly get better?

Monthly Scholarships
Aside from helping others with their schoolwork, Course Hero also has opportunities for scholarships that come around every month. They have a $5K Fall Scholarship along with a $5K Collaborative Learning Scholarship.

Quickie Rules:
In order to sign up for these scholarships you must be a member of the site. After becoming a member, you are then able to enter the scholarships at hand. For each scholarship, you'll be presented with a question to which you're to provide a short answer; and we're not talking about those one word or one sentence responses either.
Fall Scholarship: 16 October 2016
Collab Learning: 31 October 2016

Once you're done with these, look into the other opportunities available on the site. There are at least three (3) other scholarship opportunities available should you be up for the challenge. Even if you're not an expert, just share what you know and what you have done to survive the stated course(s).

Who knows, you might actually share some information that will assist others with their problems in those courses. Happy Applying!

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