Research and Development Ops
There is a continuing and growing need for research and development in just about every industry out there. From all branches of design to all branches of agriculture; there is ample room for innovation.
While browsing sales papers for deals on supplies, I stumbled across the Staples paper which showcased some cool items that were designed to fit a student's every need. The kicker? It was designed by actual students.
Have an idea for something that could make things simpler for a particular activity and or past time? Put pencil to paper and get the idea down. Create some mock-ups, test it out, make adjustments, create a presentation and find a sponsor.
If things are too complex to deal with or grasp, find a short course that will provide the essentials for this venture. I know what you're thinking. You're already in school and can't bear to take on another load.
There's a silver lining here. You don't have to enroll, per se, into a college. There are places online where you can take quick courses to learn the fundamentals of your chosen topic.
Skillshare is a great starting point for getting an introduction into pitching your ideas for innovative products to potential investors. The Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship course focuses on this element.
For the Established Innovators
If you're already established and wish to help others with their innovative ideas/projects, then start up a club and or group to help nurture their innovations.
While browsing sales papers for deals on supplies, I stumbled across the Staples paper which showcased some cool items that were designed to fit a student's every need. The kicker? It was designed by actual students.
Have an idea for something that could make things simpler for a particular activity and or past time? Put pencil to paper and get the idea down. Create some mock-ups, test it out, make adjustments, create a presentation and find a sponsor.
If things are too complex to deal with or grasp, find a short course that will provide the essentials for this venture. I know what you're thinking. You're already in school and can't bear to take on another load.
There's a silver lining here. You don't have to enroll, per se, into a college. There are places online where you can take quick courses to learn the fundamentals of your chosen topic.
Skillshare is a great starting point for getting an introduction into pitching your ideas for innovative products to potential investors. The Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship course focuses on this element.
For the Established Innovators
If you're already established and wish to help others with their innovative ideas/projects, then start up a club and or group to help nurture their innovations.