
Scholarships, much like federal grants, are a type of aid that sometimes doesn't have to be repaid. There are at least three categories that scholarships fall into: general, merit-based and unique.

General Scholarships

General scholarships are scholarships that almost anyone can qualify for. That said, due to the simple nature of these scholarships the competition is high. Though promising, it's best if you don't restrict your focus to a single scholarship within this category.

The objective for each general scholarship will vary from site-to-site, but most of the common ones tend to require at least one of the following:
  • a brief response to a question and or topic
  • using earned points as entries into monthly drawings
  • being a member of the site that is providing the scholarship

Merit-Based Scholarships

Merit-based scholarships have specific requirements for eligibility. Depending on the sponsor, one or more of the following may be required:

  • 2.50 GPA or higher
  • Completion of the SAT/ACT
  • Enrolled at an accredited institution of higher education OR
  • Enrolled at the institution that is hosting the scholarship
  • Field of Study/Major
  • A working portfolio accompanied by letters of recommendation
  • Completed x-amount of hours in community service or volunteer work
  • Read source material and compile an essay on a given prompt
  • Engaged in extracurricular activities
  • Being an active member of an honor society

The above is a sample of what some merit-based scholarships may request to determine eligibility for participation. Some also have location restrictions so keep an eye out for those.

Unique Scholarships

It doesn't sound like much, but scholarships that fall into the unique category are geared toward those who meet specific, yet unique requirements. These can range anywhere from creating a masterpiece out of duct tape to having a rare last name. Other requirements include, but aren't limit to:

  • Being enrolled at Star Fleet Academy
  • Going into a specific Field of Study/Major
  • Create something out of specific materials
  • Have a unique ability/talent/characteristics
  • Possess a unique if not rare last name
  • Work for a particular company
  • Have a strange or unusual hobby
  • Be within a specific age range
  • Be from a particular ethnic background [documents of proof may be needed for specific ones]

Just A Sampling

The above is a just a sampling of the plethora of scholarships that are out there. While there is no particular one you should go for, it is highly encouraged that you go for as many as you're able to. As a heads up, some scholarship providers may charge a fee for accessing certain opportunities.

It's best to avoid them (just an opinion) and stick with the ones that grant free access. On another note, it is best if you apply to any and all opportunities as early as possible. This is especially important for those that require prep work; sorting portfolio samples, reading source materials, drafting, requesting recommendation letters, etc.

Requirements and deadlines vary every year so be sure to check the scholarship provider's main page for the latest scholarship details.

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